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Pilgrims News

  1. Letter from Chaz Pugliese, Pilgrims Director of Education and Teacher Training
  2. The Teacher Trainer Journal (the TTJ) from Pilgrims, Phil Dexter, UK
  3. MATSDA Conference in Rufina, June 2023

Various Articles - Introduction

  1. Concepts and Practice of Steiner/Waldorf Foreign Language Teaching, Peter Lutzker, Germany

Various Articles - Lower School

  1. Why Nursery Rhymes? A Plea for the Use of Nursery Rhymes as an Integral Part of Lower School English Lessons, Alexandra Spencer, Germany

Various Articles - Middle and Upper School

  1. The Teaching and Performance of Literature in a Foreign Language, Peter Lutzker, Germany

Various Articles - Teacher Education

  1. Part from Whole and Whole from Part – the Dynamics of Meaning in English Teaching, Norman Skillen, Ireland 
  2. Decolonizing the EAL-Curriculum: The Importance of Teaching Post-Colonial Literatures and Cultures from Various Perspectives, Tatjana Pavlov-West, Germany
  3. Thinking with our Heart: The Art of Theatre Clowning, Catherine Bryden, Canada

Various Articles - Working with the Differently Abled

  1. Present Continuous: Theatre Clowning in Learning the Language of the Other, Robert McNeer, Italy

Various Articles - Working with Indigenous Languages

  1. The Politics of Language Learning in New Zealand, Charlotte Goddard and Neil Boland, New Zealand

21st Century Skills

  1. Learning in the Foreign Language about the World, the Other and the Self, Ulrike Sievers, Germany  

Lesson Ideas

  1. Teaching Foreign Languages at Primary School Age, Christoph Jaffke, Germany
  2. Poetry, Picnics and Plant Pots: A Waldorf Approach to Teaching English in the First School Years, Kavita Desai, England, UK
  3. Working with The Civil Rights Movement in the US in Grade 10 (16-year-olds), Mario Radisic, Germany
  4. Working with Postcolonial Literature as a Learning Opportunity for the Development of the Young Person, Martyn Rawson, Scotland, UK, Germany

Golden Classics

  1. Surprises and Laughter in Creative Writing, Peter Lutzker, Germany

The Creativity Group

  1. Fault Line. Writings for Turkey and Syria, collected by Alan Maley
  2. Hellyer’s Line by Philip Prowse. A Review, Alan Maley, UK


  1. Incorporating Foreign Languages into a Concept of Experience-Based Learning: A Short Report on a New Project, Miriam Watson-Kastell, Germany


  1. Self-review of Creative teaching, sustainable learning, Ulrike Sievers, Germany


  1. Humour and Waldorf Pedagogy, Peter Lutzker, Germany


  1. The Dying Niobe, Greta Schäfers and Linnea Lachnit, Germany

To the Editor