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Celebrating 50 Years of Pilgrims

  1. The Pilgrims Trainer: Charismatic Non-conformism!, Till Gins, Lead Officer, PILGRIMS
  2. A Pilgrim’s Odyssey, Robert Gillan, PILGRIMS, UK
  3. The Humanistic Experience, Sharka Dohnalova, PILGRIMS, Czechia
  4. My Pilgrims Dream, Marta Bujakowska, PILGRIMS, Poland
  5. Another Reason Why Pilgrims is the “World”, Stefania Ballotto, PILGRIMS, Italy and RSA
  6. My Experience at Pilgrims – How It All Began, Linda Yael, PILGRIMS, Argentina

ELT News

  1. PILGRIMS at IATEFL Brighton, April 2024
  2. TESOL France, Paris, 2024
  3. IATEFL Poland, Gdańsk, 2024

Various Articles

  1. The Joys of Teaching English to 4- and 5-year-olds, Sanra Piai, PILGRIMS, UK
  2. Seven Failures in Pronunciation Teaching, and Seven Possible Solutions, PILGRIMS, Adrian Underhill, UK
  3. Twelve Top Approaches to Quality Teaching and Learning – Applying Inclusive Teaching and Learning in School Contexts, PILGRIMS, Phil Dexter, UK
  4. An Inclusive Approach to Leadership for Teachers in ELT, Mercedes Pérez Berbain, PILGRIMS, Argentina
  5. CLIL Teacher Training: The Theories Underpinning CLIL, Aleksandra Zaparucha, PILGRIMS, Poland
  6. The CLIL Wheel as a Teacher Training Tool, Aleksandra Zaparucha, PILGRIMS, Poland
  7. A Developmental Approach to Self-learning English at the Guantánamo University Language Center, Yanelis Jovellar Iznaga, Silvia Miriam Morgan Scott, and Yamiriam Ruiz Boicet, Cuba  
  8. The Building Blocks of a Teaching Philosophy: An ESL Teacher’s Retrospective, George Loetter, Japan  

Eco Issues

  1. Eco Issues Flyer, Mathilde Hubert, France, with Alan Maley, UK, and (Hanna) Hania Kryszewska, PILGRIMS, Poland  
  2. A Day in the Desert, a Lifetime in the Desert, Christopher Graham, UK  

21st century s Skills

  1. Gamification in TEFL Through the Use of, Salvatore M. Ciancitto, Italy

Lesson and Teacher Training Ideas

  1. Is it Reigning Cats and Dogs? Or Are You Just Pleased to Cliché?, Paul Davis, late PILGRIMS trainer, UK
  2. Revisiting Creative Resources, Judit Fehér, PILGRIMS, Hungary
  3. Teaching with Instrumental Music for Motivation, Mindfulness, Integrated Skills, and Creativity, Magda Zamorska, PILGRIMS, Poland
  4. An Idea Lost and Found, Mario Rinvolucri, founding father of PILGRIMS, UK
  5. Idioms for Losing Weight, Hania (Hanna) Kryszewska, PILGRIMS, Poland
  6. Formative Assessment When Writing a Narrative, Janja Uhernik, Slovenia  
  7. Keep Calm and Maintain Your Sanity, Vesna Gros, Slovenia

Golden Classics

  1. Who Moved My Cheese An Adaptation, Bonnie Tsai, late PILGRIMS trainer, France
  2. Drama Part 2: Improvisation-based Activities for Language Learning Classes, Peter Dyer, PILGRIMS, France

The Creativity Group

  1. Student-generated Flashcards (SGFs), Jamie Keddie, Spain


  1. Some Reflection in Learning Welsh, Tim Bowen, Wales, PILGRIMS, UK


  1. Years of ETPaedia from Pavilion


  1. Starting a New Topic: Cartoons about Clothes, Hanna (Hania) Kryszewska, PILGRIMS, Poland


  1. Three Poems, Noreen Caplen-Spence, PILGRIMS, UK
  2. My Poems, Sophie Rinvolucri, late wife of Mario Rinvolucri, PILGRIMS friend, UK
  3. A Brave Path, Vesna Gros, Slovenia

To the Editor