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Various Articles


  • The Joys of Teaching English to 4- and 5-year-olds
    Sanra Piai, UK

  • Seven Failures in Pronunciation Teaching, and Seven Possible Solutions
    Adrian Underhill, UK

  • Twelve Top Approaches to Quality Teaching and Learning – Applying Inclusive Teaching and Learning in School Contexts
    Phil Dexter, UK

  • An Inclusive Approach to Leadership for Teachers in ELT
    Mercedes Pérez Berbain, PILGRIMS, Argentina

  • CLIL Teacher Training: The Theories Underpinning CLIL
    Aleksandra Zaparucha, Poland

  • The CLIL Wheel as a Teacher Training Tool
    Aleksandra Zaparucha, Poland

  • A Developmental Approach to Self-learning English at the Guantánamo University Language Center
    Yanelis Jovellar Iznaga, Cuba;Silvia Miriam Morgan Scott, Cuba;Yamiriam Ruiz Boicet, Cuba

  • The Building Blocks of a Teaching Philosophy: An ESL Teacher’s Retrospective
    George Loetter, Japan