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A Brave Path,

Vesna Gros works as an English and German teacher at Primary School Polje in Ljubljana, . Apart from work, she is a mother of two and prides herself on still managing the household without an army of helpers and cleaners. She has always loved crafting and has recently rediscovered her passion for piano and acrylic painting. Vesna remains an enthusiastic and positive person and an advocate of lifelong learning, so it is very likely you will bump into her at IATEFL Slovenia events. 


Did you want to be a mother hen?

Or did you simply like using a red pen?

Was there nothing else you could or wanted to do?

Or was it just because your mum was a teacher, too?


Whatever the reason, bear this in mind:

You are brave and you are awesome,

You are wise and you are kind.

You make your students blossom,

You leave none of them behind.


And will you get from this teaching 

What you want, even so?

I sure hope you do,

But I cannot really know.


What I do know is this:

You are not you from ten years ago.

You change and adapt, you fail and you grow.

The path you have chosen is daring,

But your IATEFL tribe is caring.


Some might take you and your work for granted;

Stay brave and do not consider this tragic.

Reward comes in feeling soever enchanted,

When students find joy in your everyday magic.

Tagged  Poems 
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  • A Brave Path,
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