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Learning, Being Taught or Teaching Online (2)

These voices come from MA university students (University of Gdańsk, Poland) who are language learners, pre-service teachers and often practising teachers. They were the first groups of students who were forced to learn and often teach online because of the pandemic. Here are their voices in the original version.



For the first time in my life I was forced to work online – both as a school teacher and as a tutor. I must admit this new challenge has some advantages but also drawbacks I won’t be able to overcome.

On the positive side, I don’t need to dress up J. I work mostly via Discord platform and I don’t use the video option. I may work from the comfort of my own home and not waste time and money on commuting. Secondly, I can also very quickly post an image describing a new word or phrase to depict it. For instance, I had to explain the word ‘’vintage’’ so within seconds I posted pictures of old cars, clothes etc.

Unfortunately, there are far more disadvantages of the system. This way of work generates tones of additional and unnecessary work. I have to send everything, make sure everyone gets it and check everyone’s feedback. Normally, I would just use a printer but now it’s a lot of scanning and editing too. What is more, there is always some problem with the internet, a microphone or speakers. There is at least one student each lesson that struggles with some kind of computer malfunction. Even worse, then a parent calls and says that their computer broke down. What am I supposed to do then? I can’t suggest going to another student’s house because they must stay in isolation. Furthermore, it’s impossible to control what individual students are doing. In the classroom one look at a teenager and I know they are pre-occupied but online it won’t work. Even if I see all the faces, I can’t really tell if what they are actually focusing on is the lesson. Besides, my screen would have to be enormous to display faces of all students, the platform I am working and posting on and the materials I’m using. In addition, when I divide students to work in pairs or groups I can easily control it. Here, even when I ‘jump’ from group to group I often realize they aren’t doing tasks I asked them to. Finally, there is an issue of testing. Conducting any form of test that would verify the knowledge of students without cheating is impossible. Again, I substituted tests for projects and essays that are time-consuming both to prepare and to check. I guess the worst part in online work is that I’m not there for my students. In the classroom I ‘read’ a person. I see it in their eyes when they don’t understand or don’t know what to do. Sometimes, I notice that young people are dealing with a difficult life situation and I can ask them about it after the lesson. Here, I’m deprived of such option and probably some learners are too embarrassed to share.




I had the opportunity to be taught online and to teach my students online. The first comment that has come up to my mind is the fact that we were not prepared to such course of events at all. The first month was the most difficult one. I think that after that period of time I got used to this new situation.

In my own teaching it was easy to adjust to the situation since I conduct mostly one-to-one lessons. I was still able to run the lessons almost the same way as before, however I am missing working with the physical and tangible flashcards (the tasks with the flashcards such as for example charades used to be the most cherrished part of the lesson for me and my students). There were also other differences, the games for younger children had to be digitized, padlet became my online whiteboard and the technical problems did not let me conduct my lessons a few times. I think it would be more difficult if I had to teach online maths, chemistry or physics. As I mentioned before, I also took part in a few lectures conducted via Internet at the university . The way in which they were run did not change a lot. There still were visual aids, discussions and homework. The biggest problem was the fact that the students with a slow Internet connnection were not able to participate actively in these discussions or hear the lecturer properly.

It was my first experience with online learning and teaching, even if there were some advantages of this way of conducting/taking part in the lessons, I don't want to repeat this in the near future. I prefer more traditional lessons in the classrooms, I hope the pandemic situation will be over soon.




My experience with online teaching has been rough at the begging. I`ve never used a lot of online platforms during classes. I`m only 25 years old, however I always preferred a real contact with students and also, I`m not very good with technology. Nevertheless, I had to change my approach completely when the pandemic began. Fortunately, I have a lot of friends that know a bit more than I do when it comes to technology and computers, so I had people to turn to for help. During my first classes online I was stressed, I didn`t know how the class will go, will the connection be good for the whole time, will the students see and hear me well. I think my students were confused and stressed as well. Therefore, we were familiarizing with this new situation for a bit.

I decided to talk to my students regularly, to keep in touch with them so that we can all feel connected for the whole time. I also asked my students how they feel, I was conscious and curious about their emotional state, because my emotional state was not so well as well. However, the process of adjustment had to be really quick, so my emotions had to be put out to pasture, and the consequences of that have been proven to be devastating for my mental health.

One of the two most difficult things for me when it comes to teaching during pandemic was to structure the lesson, to create a lesson plan. I had to change my whole semester plan and curriculum to create a new one that could be executed in this new situation. Also, the whole dynamic of the group while teaching online has changed. I felt that the students and I we were a bit blocked and overwhelmed. I didn`t feel “real” while teaching and being real and truthful is of crucial importance for me. I felt distanced because the personal interaction, on which I am basing all of my classes, was restrained. I couldn’t see all of my students because they didn`t have cameras working or I couldn’t hear some of them. With some pupils I had classes only through phone calls, without the possibility to send them any materials for the class. I felt as we were always subordinate to technology and internet connection, and as a teacher, I would like to have control over what`s going on during my classes.

Also, referring to this topic, it was hard for me to control students, to trust that they are really participating in class and that they are interested. During a real class I always pay attention to students, if the lesson is interesting, if they are following what I`m saying, to their body language etc., but with online classroom I couldn’t know that. Most often we even had cameras off because then the connection was better, but if we did have our cameras on, I could only see their faces in a small frame. It felt as we were in abeyance, that this situation was not really happening.

The last thing I want to mention regarding this topic is that it took me a long time to learn how to function in this situation, where your personal, professional and social life are happening in one place. For a very long time I neglected my family and friends for the sake of keeping up with my professional responsibilities. Eventually, I did learn that working from home doesn`t mean working all the time, day and night, but it took me a while to understand and introduce that to my lifestyle. I was furious with parents of my students, with colleagues, even with my students, that they were texting or calling me really late or at night to discuss some things connected with classes. But I understand now that all of us had to adjust to this new situation, teachers, students and their parents too, all of us.

One thing that could be beneficial for us after this pandemic is that we can rethink our values, appreciate human contact and become conscious about our present and what we can be grateful for in our everyday life. Life is a lesson in progress and surely it did teach us a lot lately.




My experience with on-line teaching comes from the teaching practice. While writing my first plan I understood how challenging this kind of teaching can be. All of different methods and materials that might have been used in standard classroom environment had to be altered (some discarded) and my thinking had to change also. Tools available for me were an e-mail and Skype. I couldn’t have my students work in groups or pairs (which is possible on other platforms i.e. Zoom) and had to figure out other ways to make the lesson interesting. I think gathering experience from lesson to lesson and evaluating my work has help me a lot. Sometimes the lesson didn’t go according to the plan, but I would say that was a failure – I would treat it as a opportunity to see how to fix it.

It was not easy to maintain this positive attitude – I enjoy personal contact with learners and it is much easier for me to communicate face to face. Conducting the lesson on camera made me feel a bit uneasy at first, but after a couple of sessions I got used to it.

What seems to be obvious in on-line teaching is the technical part itself: internet connection, equipment and unexpected problems. During one of the lessons I experienced some voice interference. The lesson was focused on speaking and I had to act fast to change the lesson focus as most of dialogue was inaudible. Another time low quality of internet connection together made sending a file to students impossible for quite some time and I had to result to conducting one of the “just in case” activities. I think that while talking about on-line teaching we focus a lot on the pedagogical side, but we have to remember that this is the situation in which we are severely dependent on technology.




Since I started my teaching practice only two years ago I still consider myself a novice teacher who has to learn a lot. Fortunately I’m one of these people who are on good terms with technology and when the pandemic struck I was pretty much able to conduct online lessons the next day. Of course it did not happen. Adjustment, and justly so, takes time. There were no means to conduct the lessons on a secure platform and as it turned out some teachers and a great number of students had limited access either to the internet, or to computers.  And so we started preparing materials for the students to work on. This solution definitely had many disadvantages, namely with no supervision over the format of the lesson there were teaches who simply asked the students to “ read chapter 4 and do the tasks”, while others spent long hours on preparing more interactive and appealing lessons. And while there has always been discrepancies in use of methods and the quality of teaching  among the teachers I feel that this situation uncovered many shortcomings.

I was very frustrated because there is only so much a student can do on his own at home and language learning requires interaction.  Fortunately I was able to establish a connection with my eighth graders and we figured out a way to meet online regularly so it enabled us to have fairly normal lessons. As the older students are more autonomous, the case is much worse with young learners. In grades 1-3 my students were scattered among different family members because their parents had to work, they did not have enough equipment at home to participate or the parents themselves did not manage the technology very well. Needless to say, conducting online classes with the little ones was simply impossible.  And since I could not imagine sending them “dry” materials to study from I decided to launch a YouTube channel and record my lessons. It was not a perfect solution but at that time seemed like a most sensible one. The effects were great,  students were happy to hear my voice, parents were grateful because they could watch a video with their children after work and were not left with plain instructions.  But my satisfaction did not last.  The most essential part of our normal classroom activities was missing- the children did not interact with me or with each other, they did not use spoken English. 

Sometime after Easter our school started to use Microsoft Teams platform but unfortunately that was another change and it took time to get adjusted to. And  though over a month has passed this process still goes on. For the last few weeks I had online meetings in classes of 22 students and only 2 were present. The reasons are various.   Sadly there are some children that I have not seen or heard from since early March. As to our knowledge in a school with over 360 students  only a few of them are in a very difficult situation ( no internet or equipment whatsoever ). What’s going on with the rest of the students who do not participate in classes and do not submit any tasks? One may only wonder.

Truthfully speaking I am exhausted. I’m blessed with really good working conditions but when I lock up in my study at 6 a.m. ( still used to getting up early…) I sometimes finish my work after 16 hours.
Making my own materials, recording and editing videos, creating quizzes, grading student’s works and dealing with the parents consumes unimaginable amount of time. I feel like I’m working a double shift.

And what’s more, it’s really frustrating when you put so much work and effort into something and the outcome is mediocre at best. There are just too many factors we simply cannot control. 




I am a teacher in State Primary School. I teach all grades form the early education classes to the exam eighth grade groups. Despite the fact that the necessity of teaching online is a demanding task for all parties of the education process, the teachers, students and parents, I find this situation as a great lesson and an indicator of the direction I should follow as a teacher.

First of all, this situation exposed the weak sides of the education character in the most straightforward way. I noticed that the area that has to be developed is the independence of learners. Students are used to receive everything ready-made. The discovering the knowledge, following the clues and noticing regularities are of great importance to develop students`  self-consciousness. It is an implication for me to be introduced while planning and designing my lessons.

The purpose of learning a language. The online teaching creates the opportunity to use English to real communication. Students write e-mails, messages via Messenger and via the electronic register. I used this opportunity to teach students and to practice applying appropriate vocabulary, the level of formality and structure of the written text. This is the great way of teaching, rooted in a real, meaningful context. I noticed significant improvement in this area among my students.

The respect towards someone else`s intellectual property.  Unfortunately, I noticed that some of my students cheat while handing in assignments. It was a great occasion to show them that it is illegal and unacceptable. Very soon, my students realized that the freedom of the online world is in fact restricted and should be dealt with great care and respect.  That was a lesson for my students but also an indicator for me a s a teacher.

Summing it up, although demanding and time-consuming, I treat the online teaching as a genuine opportunity to improve myself as a teacher and to create the conditions for my students to finally notice the real purpose of their learning English.




Due to coronavirus situation, we teachers had to become more technical in terms of teaching as everything had to be done via Internet. I see it as a new experience which I never want to repeat. I learnt a lot about myself and my students. For instance, I found out I have more patience in me than I thought and my students are capable of doing a lot of work by themselves and they do it right. During our short ZOOM or SKYPE meetings there were always some disturbances such as somebody’s phone rang, somebody’s sibling came over, somebody’s cat ran through the laptop keyboard (and it often was my cat). Due to listed obstacles I needed to be more patient and forgiving than I would have been in a regular class. Such events disturbed our lessons which were already short. Some students then had problems with hearing properly what I was saying and I had to repeat myself several times. Not to mention the poor Internet connection which occurred more than often. Another aspect I did not like was the fact that due to the very limited sessions I needed to choose the most important parts of the lesson and the rest of the material students needed to learn by themselves. Sadly, they were asked to do a lot of homework. Much more than in a regular classroom. I did not want to do that but the requirements were as they were. Moreover, I do not consider myself as a technically gifted person yet I had to make friends with my computer and several programms which enabled me to conduct lessons. I spent so much time in front of my laptop which I regret because I always try not expose myself to screens. I am not against technology but I believe there is a certain laptop time limit and I crossed it on a regular basis. To sum up, I do not recommend online teaching because it is impossible to achieve the same results as could have been achieved in a regular classroom.




I have never had any experience with online teaching before the Coronavirus situation. I knew it was a possibility and that teaching online through various sites and programs was popular among some groups of people, especially adults who do not have time to attend lessons at a school or someone’s house. I am not officially a teacher anywhere, but in my spare time I am a private tutor. I had a group of students, who would come individually to me and I would explain them material from school, play games with and do additional educational materials. Due to the restrictions put by the government and also my own concerns about my students’ and my family’s health I was forced to cancel all classes. It took me over a month to start teaching online. I got a call from one of my student’s mom, asking if I could consider some online classes. I think each of us had to go through an ‘internet course’ to catch up on all possibilities the internet has to offer in terms of teaching.

Online teaching is demanding, as there is hardly any way to improvise if I have not prepared any materials beforehand. I work on Zoom platform, started using genially games, I still managed to find a way to play board games with students. I believe that I have to take this downside and turn it into an advantage. Students do not have a way to tell me they forgot to bring their homework from home now, we can also ‘meet’ in earlier hours, which I believe are better for optimal learning experience. From being taught in such way, my only experience is at my current university. I have to admit that in some cases I am impressed with the amount of effort and commitment that lecturers put to conduct a lesson, but in some cases I feel like some people gave up. The only drawback to online teaching is the number of times someone, either student or a member of their family, has forgotten that the camera is on and made me see more than I should have.




Due to the pandemic all teachers and learners experienced a quick course of everyday online work and learned about its positive and negative aspects. I would like to share my opinion about this kind of learning  from the point of view of a student.

First of all, studying online is more accessible as  all that is required  is computer with internet access and all the study materials or assignments  are sent to you via email or educational platforms. You can contact your lecturers via services like Zoom or Skype, where it is possible to discuss documents or other data. Secondly, studying becomes more flexible when it is done online. You do not have to commute to school or university, which saves your time and gives you an opportunity to study whenever and wherever you want. Apart from saving time it saves you costs; you do not have to spend money on transport, accommodation or food.

As far as the negative aspects of learning on line are concerned, the biggest disadvantage seems to be lack of face to face contact and social interaction, which seems to be a problem, particularly in case of primary or secondary students, for whom it is important to make friends and interact with other people to preserve mental health. What is more, doing  the assignments online can be time consuming as it is often required to scan the documents first before sending them.  




The situation with the online teaching is new and unexpected and I think lots of schools were not prepared for it. The worst thing is that nobody knew what to do. The information were not coherent and teachers had to find their own way for teaching. Teachers had freedom in form of online teaching. It was for certain confusing for students, who had to use a couple of communications channel. I think here about school where I teach. Every teacher had to work out their own way of teaching. I our school not many teachers use direct online teaching using e.g. skype, zoom or discord. I have spoken recently with my student and he has told me, that not every student has a possibility to use for example discord and only 13 students from the 26-students group are active in, e.g. geography lesson. Personally I use google classroom to put teaching materials for my students and they have all in one place. I have admit that is works quite well. Most of students work systematically and they do as if they were in a lesson. It would be better when my school had access to a platform like teams. It could help to organise the teaching. Students would be supposed to use one channel to communicate with teachers and they could be better controlled. The teaching would be more equalized and not so chaotic like now. For me and for my colleagues the online teaching was at first a difficult experience. We were lost, we should organize quickly without any concreate information or clear instructions. We had to organise ourselves in that chaos and I am aware that it is not perfect, but we do our best.




I am a teacher, however, I’m not working at the moment since I am on a parental leave with a toddler, plus I am pregnant. Although I’m happy to have my time with my child, I feel so sorry that this whole experience of teaching online due to pandemic is passing me by. My friends from school are tired but excited to have this opportunity to develop their Internet skills and they are sure they will use many techniques even when our lives get back to normal again.

So, I can only describe my experience of an academic student being taught online. From my perspective, and probably many other students could confirm my thoughts, online learning is a challenge.

First of all, one needs to be very self-disciplined and responsible. It is much easier to leave your home and go to a building which is destined to teaching and learning, and to meet there other people who have the same goals. Feeling the atmosphere of science and friendship is vital to me. For several hours you are staying in a different world – nothing private disturbs or distracts you (unless you have serious problems which are hard to forget about, or you have really low motivation to learn). Whereas at home you need to organise some space and time. It is difficult to escape from a child in order to learn. It is difficult to stay focused when you hear your baby calling her mama behind the wall. Happily, there are evenings – to sound a bit sarcastic – when you can finally get to work in peace. However, your energy level is quite limited then.

Secondly, what I miss the most in online teaching is the interaction with other students and the teachers. Sure, there are these cyber rooms where you can chat and see your mates and teachers, but this is not the same as a face to face interaction. I have always thought of my self as of an introvert because I get tired when I get over-stimulated by other people, but during the lock-down I realised I need this stimulation a lot. So probably I’m somewhere in the middle of this introvert-extrovert continuum. I can imagine that total extroverts don’t get from online teaching what they need.

To sum up, online teaching can be successful, but not a pleasure for everyone. It can be a great alternative to traditional teaching, especially for those who live far from the university and wish to save time travelling or for those whom their condition doesn’t let to leave their homes. It’s great there is such option and that it works, but those who need interaction or don’t have proper conditions to learn this way at home are in quite an uncomfortable position.




It's difficult to conduct classes. I was able to witness the very first classes of online teaching and it was horroible. Most of the students had their microphones and cameras turned off. Many of them didn't participate in the lessons at all (not giving feedback etc.). Most of the time it was teacher's monologue.

Also, students’ behaviour... It seems that classes on the Internet makes them less inhibited. They behave coarsely and ignore teacher. They kick each other out of the 'room' and waste a lot of lesson time. I even heard from a colleague of mine that one student was smoking an e-cigarette during the lesson so .

When it comes to the actual teaching... It's difficult to read from students' facial expressions whether they understand the content or not ( since they have their cameras turned off). Also, there were often problems with audibility ( as a result of slow Internet connection or devices used). Pronunciation was hardly ever practised, probably as a result of lack real-life face-to-face contact.           My mentor often employed a teaching method where she would send a given 'lesson' to the students via e-mail. It consisted of some kind of presentation, several links and a list of tasks to do This was actually 'playing safe' since there were no Internet problems and all of the students knew what they had to do when to get the mark/attendance check.

In short, it's difficult to engage students into the lesson. Their behaviour is impolite and they show-off. Of course there are individuals who actively participate in the lesson and have their cameras turned on and everything but what about the rest of the class ?

By the way, I'm writing about high school.




Teachers have to face many difficulties when it comes to maintain the lesson. They have to be flexible and able to work under pressure often in difficult circumstances. This year, in March, the teaching reality completely changed and education had to be 'reformed'. Due to COVID-19 virus schools were closed and teaching moved to the internet.

I teach in the kindergarten and I am both a form teacher and conduct English lessons. Despite the fact that my work place was closed too had a constant contact with my pupils. I recorded videos with plays and tasks for them to do at home and they were uploaded on the kindergarten's website and its facebook profile. At first, I did not see a point in doing it but when I got many responses and positive opinions that both children and parents enjoy my videos I was pleased and motivated to continue my work.

The private language school I also teach in has been working on full turnovers since March. We moved quickly form stationary teaching to remotely based on. I am recording webinars and conduct online lessons with my students. I have to admit that I really enjoy it. I can earn without leaving my flat and in my opinion the quality of teaching is the same if not better. I noticed that students who had worse marks have improved their language skills. The classes can be also more attractive as I can easily switch websites and show my students various exercises.

To sum up, teaching online is in my opinion better than stationary teaching when it comes to teaching English to older students. On the contrary, teaching children is harder and less successful.




I had been teaching (English, Italian, early education, on all stages: from nursery to university) for about 13 years in my life, then I resigned and took up a job in my first profession – psychology. However, since that time I still have classes with my students, mostly online. The time of epidemia is not surprising when it comes to other methods of teaching, I simply have been going on with my job (at school I do not have to teach because I was released from all the practices at University of Gdańsk due to my experience and previous education).

The teaching method I have learnt and partly created for my students is group process based learning (E. Berne; B. Tuckman) with all the stages: orientation, power struggle, cooperation, synergy and closure. It includes project work (mostly international) and CLIL (I work with the expats’ kids, they need early education in English, not that much English in early education; and professional groups – English for doctors and court staff).

It is absolutely possible to conduct online lessons of this kind. The lessons demand intimacy (we establish the rules in contract, especially secrecy, as the students share their personal experience and experiences of their patients and clients (doctors and lawyers). Online teaching creates he atmosphere of trust because every participant is in his/her own comfortable safety zone (usually at home) and therefore, it goes beyond the typical class schema.

Moreover, there are two most important factors, which are easily applied in online lessons:

1 . The students are given the drive, as I am there for them, not they for me - even at an early stage of education I let the students decide which topic they would like to have and their invention is welcome. In contract we state that everyone is the teacher in the group – I also study from the students. The expats kids (who speak English much better than Polish sometimes teach me pronunciation, the doctors and lawyers teach me their professional subjects). So the lessons are tailored according to their needs, often having watched the video as a homework and answering questions in the class we discuss it, we have chat rooms and design theme projects online (for example a game application in English or admission procedure for the hospital patients in English).

2. The students undergo 360 degrees assessment (each student assesses himself/herself). They share with me and others their tests (sometimes they refuse to share with others) but they know that assessment is only the part of the learning process, it is not any result of learning. The only result of learning is the level of self-satisfaction (different for each student). It is also very easy to be conducted online: the students receive the tests, tasks which they work on individually outside the class or in groups.

To sum up, online teaching is definitely beneficial for me as a teacher, it enables me to use a lot of tools (videos) and share easily with the students and it also allows international cooperation.

The only minus is that to teach online I have to move to the city each time I have classes as the access to the internet is very poor in the wilderness where I live.




I do not know why but I was really stressed before my first lesson online. After three months of teaching online I have to say that it really works.

The advantages of online learning include the fact that students really get involved, do their homework, speak English willingly, and feel at ease. The beginnings were not easy.
I had a short training at work and one week to check all the options of the program I use. For the first week many students had problems with the program, computer, headphones, microphone or their Internet connection was unstable. After three months, these problems happen sporadically. I think this experience will help students build self-discipline and responsibility when it comes to learning. I noticed that preparing online classes takes me a lot more time, everything has to be prepared and open before the online meeting, links, online games etc. I am glad that publishers have made available or created interactive versions of coursebooks, workbooks and additional materials. Thanks to online teaching I got to know many useful websites such as PDF Escape, Liveworksheets, Socrative, which help me to enrich my online lessons.

The downside of online classes is that there are people who often do not take these classes seriously, pretend to have a broken microphone, or do something else. Fortunately, most people actively participate in the classes. At the beginning, the parents of the students were very sceptical about this type of class. After these three  months, most of these parents after gave me positive feedback about the classes.




At the beginning I was afraid that I will not be able to conduct the lessons successfully because my IT skills and knowledge are limited, to say the least. However, with time it was getting better and better. I have been working on Teams platform and I have discovered with time many apps and devices it offers to help teacher prepare a complete, interesting lesson.

At first it was very difficult and odd to get used to talking to an ‘empty classroom’ (that is how I felt sometimes). Most students had their cameras switched off and it was really challenging to create this new form of contact. Nevertheless, I must say that my students (no matter what age they are and I teach in primary school) have proved to be attentive and cooperative but also understanding when some small incidents occurred (poor Internet connection, my lack of knowledge about how to deal with the platform sometimes).

I think online lessons have been a good solution in the situation of pandemic but in my opinion they are less efficient than traditional lessons at school. Firstly, not all students can attend the lesson because of problems with a computer, lack of one or failing Internet connection. Secondly, there are students who try to take advantage of the situation and have a good excuse to avoid lessons. We, the teachers, cannot really verify if what they are saying is true (whether it is why they haven’t done their homework or attended the lesson).

I miss, of course, the direct contact with my students and, although I have never thought I would say this, I actually miss getting up early every morning and preparing for work. My flat has become a classroom, an office, a teachers’ room etc. and it is not normal, but the whole situation is abnormal, so I know I cannot complain. I actually think that as teachers we are really privileged right now, we have kept our jobs, we are getting paid regularly and, what is most important, do not risk our lives like many other professions , but can safely work from home.

The whole experience with online teaching has been very interesting for me, made me learn a lot of new things as far as IT is concerned and has equipped me with a lot of new teaching tools that I will be able to use and will continue to use even after this whole coronavirus nightmare is finished. The experience I will definitely never forget.



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Tagged  Voices 
  • Learning, Being Taught or Teaching Online (2)
    collected by Hanna Kryszewska