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To the Editor

Letter 1

Dear Hania,

I hope this email finds you well. My apologies for not being in touch - it's been an 'interesting' summer to say the least, and I've spent as much of it as possible recharging my batteries. I've done fairly well with that, as it happens - and I have a new book to show for it (you can find it here if you're curious: (…)

I've finished one book that is entirely not related to teaching (Gravenham is all about zombies) I've decided that the next one should only look at EFL  and nothing else. I'm calling it 'A Teacher's Journal of the Year of the Plague' - the same title, more or less, that Daniel Defoe used for a similar account of the great plague of the 17th century. (…)

Christopher Walker


Letter 2

Dear ELTNetwork

I trust you are all managing to remain well in these difficult times.

I am just wanting to let you know that I am currently negotiating with CUP for a book on EMI around the world, and looking for people to contribute to a systematic review of the existing literature and also to conduct a small-scale new piece of research.

If you know someone who might be interested in contributing, or if you are interested in being included yourself, please let me know.

The major gap at the moment is someone/s from Africa., but we also need people from all over.

Looking forward to hearing from you, best wishes, Carol


(Prof. Dr) Carol Griffiths

PhD, MA(Applied Linguistics), DipELT,

DipTchg, BA(English/French)


Professor of ELT, Girne American University, North Cyprus

Research professor, Auckland Institute of Studies, New Zealand

Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK


Letter 3

Meet John Hughes: trainer, author and ETpedia series editor

John Hughes is a teacher, teacher trainer, ELT course leader, regular speaker and course book author, with over twenty years of English language teaching experience. Alongside all this, he has recently been creating a regular series of vlogs which can be viewed on his website. John is the series editor of ETpedia, as well as author or co-author of many of the ETpedia titles. ETpedia offers thousands of practical activities, ideas and tips for English language teachers across a whole range of topics.  

Pavilion ELT

T: 01273 434943



Letter 4

Creative Teaching & Learning 10.3

Dear colleague,

The newest issue of Creative Teaching & Learning has arrived!

Next Term: A Major Series from Hard University and Project Zero on Next Level Learning: Educating Children To Survive The Future

See what's inside

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Featured Article

Read This Article Now

 Motivation, Anti-Swot Culture And Boys: Overcoming A Culture Of Under-Achievement (Open Access)

Mark Roberts explains why teachers must be aware of anti-swot culture and how it can cause boys to lose motivation.

Can Religious Education Teach Children To Make Moral And Ethical Decisions? (Open Access)

Weather And Climate: A Teachers’ Guide

Developing An Innovative Approach To Reading Non-Fiction Texts

One Britain One Nation Anthem Shows Flaws In The Government’s Music Strategy

Our Journey Beyond Age-Related Expectations and into Thinking, Resilience And Empathy

Science Mark – An International Tool To Improve Science Teaching

Essential Skills And How To Build Them

How to FOSILise A Science Project, Step By Step

The Long Win Is More Important Than Grades, Medals and Rankings

What Motivates Children To Read. Or Not?


Letter 5

Welcome to your Pavilion ELT newsletter 1

In this edition, Michelle Ocriciano examines the relationship between multimodality and ICT, Damien Herlihy looks at classroom management and how to get your classroom hitting the right notes together, and we tell you more about our fantastic summer sale.


New from English Teaching professional 

Blog – Multimodality and ICTs

Everyday life is surrounded by electronic reading and writing, and the understanding of this online language begins with the notion of text as a central theme in the study of language. But how can we use it in teaching? Michelle Ocriciano explores the relationship between multimodality and ICT in her latest blog.


New from Pavilion ELT

Vlog – Classroom management in language teaching: hitting the right notes

Good classroom management doesn’t just happen during the class but before and after as well. In the latest vlog in his professional development series, Damien Herlihy takes you through a rollercoaster of a lesson to help you find ways to keep your classes
on track and get the most value out of your lessons.

Welcome to your Pavilion ELT newsletter 2

In this edition, David Dodgson explains how we can use real life to encourage genuine language, Chiara Bruzzano talks through the five principles she followed to design her authentic listening course, and Gerhard Erasmus looks at how to approach difficult conversations and get the most out of them.


New from Modern English Teacher

Blog – ‘I eat present simple for breakfast!’ Using real life to encourage genuine language

Lesson ideas sometimes come at random, or the most unlikely, moments. Inspiration hit David Dodgson when his day didn’t have the best start… and led him to take a different approach to reviewing present simple for routines with his young learners. How? By simply focusing on real life.


New from English Teaching professional

Blog – Designing and conducting an Authentic Listening course – Part 3

How do you design an Authentic Listening course? What kind of guiding principles should you use to compile your course? Why are they useful? In the final part of her Authentic Listening series, Chiara Bruzzano shares the answers to these questions by describing how understanding listening difficulties, making independent decisions, making useful comparisons, getting to grips with sounds and using meaningful topics all helped and much more besides!

Missed the start of Chiara's Authentic Listening series? You can read Part 1 and Part 2 of the series now.


New from Pavilion ELT

Blog – Having difficult conversations

It is almost inevitable that as a trainer or manager, at some point in time you will have to have a difficult conversation with a trainee or a teacher, or even a student! In this blog post, Gerhard Erasmus looks at how to approach difficult conversations and get the most out of them.


Tagged  To The Editor