Various Articles - In Memoriam
- A Way to Advancement in EFL Through Literature and Polish, Marija Liudvika Drazdauskiene, Poland and Lithuania
Various Articles - Storytelling
- Story Telling Today: Part 1, Bink Venery, UK and Italy
- Coaching in the ESL Classroom, Emmanuelle Betham, UK
Various Articles - Tertiary and Adult Education
- Factors Leading Academic Writing Students to Plagiarism and Their Strategies to Avoid It, Chindy Putri Susilaningtyas, Listyani and Antonius Wahyana, Indonesia
- In-Company Training as an Organizational Form of Professional Improvement, Dora Mirta Troitiño Díaz, Cuba
- Digital Communicative Competence in the Foreign Languages Degree Course, Sandra Alemán Blanco and Adys Maria Nassiff Samón, Cuba
Various Articles - General/ Teachers Belief Systems
- Connecting What We Do as Teachers With What We Believe and Who We Are, Rod Bolitho and Alan Maley, UK
- Twenty Strategies to Engage 21st Century Learners in the Teaching-Learning Process, Shabir Hassan Banday, India
- “Kill or let die?” - Students’ Reaction to a Moral Dilemma in an EFL Task, Andrea Huszákné Vendégh, Hungary
- Taiwanese EFL College Freshmen’s Use of Blogging for Extending Their Engagement with English Learning, Chin-Wen Chien, USA
- A New Citation Standard for AI-Generated Content, A.G. Elrod, Netherlands
- An Introduction to Accessibility, Tom Lennard, France
- Teaching Kazuo Ishiguro’s Novel Never Let Me Go and Improving Reading Skills, Alenka Blake, Slovenia
- Developing Presentation Skills: The Simulated Conference, Anila R. Scott-Monkhouse, Italy
- Teaching Expository Writing to ESP 4th Year Medical Students, Ania Gómez Gómez, Pedro E. Rodríguez Rodríguez, Cuba
- Positive Psychology in the Secondary EFL Classroom, Tamara Schüszler, Hungary
- Tales of Strays ACTION!, Margarita Kosior, Greece/Poland
- Mind Maps in Teaching and Learning, Anna Cetnarowska, Poland
- Let Me Tell You a Story You Haven’t Heard Before: Setting up Global Online Storytelling Courses and Coaching, David Heathfield, UK
- How Much Sleep Do Teachers Really Need?, Danny Singh, Italy
- To Go or Not To Go, That Is The Question, Danny Singh, Italy
- Short Book Reviews, Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
- Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals from Peachey Publications
- Three New Titles from Crown House Publishing
- Tune Into English, Fergal Kavanagh, Italy
- Testing Times: UK Government to Focus on Legal English in Order to Preserve ESP (English for Sovereignty and Patriotism), Geoff Tranter, Germany
- Two Poems, Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistan