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  1. Editorial
  2. Pilgrims News
    1. Pilgrims-Bridges EFL Conference June 7th-8th, 2019. 45th  Pilgrims and 20th HLT Anniversary Conference in  Bratislava, Slovakia, Mario Rinvolucri, Pilgrims
    2. The Four acts of Language, Stefania Ballotto, Pilgrims
    3. Renergising Your Classroom, Stefania Ballotto, Pilgrims
    4. Two Nations Divided by a Common Language, Tim Bowen, Pilgrims
    5. A Model for Individual and Whole School Development Synergy in Teacher and School Development, Jana Chynoradská, Pilgrims
    6. Teaching for All, Phil Dexter, Pilgrims
    7. Please Help me to Learn in Ways that Are Meaningful for Me…, Phil Dexter, Pilgrims
    8. 21 Century Skills in ELT, Hanna (Hania) Kryszewska, Pilgrims
    9. Visible Thinking in ELT Classrooms, Hanna (Hania) Kryszewska, Pilgrims
    10. Focus Interruptus: Why Are They Not Paying Attention, Chaz Pugliese, Pilgrims
    11. Teach Me and I’ll Forget. Surprise Me and I May Remember, Chaz Pugliese, Pilgrims
    12. Finding Your Coaching Voice, Mike Shreev, Pilgrims
    13. Teachers are Human Beings Too!, Mike Shreeve, Pilgrims
    14. Teachers, learners, humans, Magda Zamorska, Pilgrims
    15. Lessons from Nowhere. But Surely from Somewhere… Where is the where?, Magda Zamorska, Pilgrims
    16. How Many Brains Have You Got? Write Your Own Jazz Chants, Aleksandra (Ola) Zaparucha, Pilgrims
    17. Beyond a Coursebook: Global Issues in an English Classroom, Aleksandra (Ola) Zaparucha, Pilgrims
    18. Some Photos from the ELT Forum Conference
  3. Various Articles - Inclusion and Diversity
    1. The Cry for Inclusiveness and Diversity: Can There be Light at the End of the Tunnel?, Elaine Hodgson, Brazil/UK and Viviane Kirmeliene, Brazil
  4. Various Articles - Assessment
    1. Changing Mental Models on Assessment – Start With The Why!, Isabela Villas Boas, Brazil
  5. Various Articles - Adults
    1. Building Up Strategies to Adapt Oral Production for EAP Students, Priscila Mateini, Brazil 
  6. Various Articles - Teacher Education
    1. Critical Thinking in Teacher Education, Vinicius Nobre, Brazil
    2. Current Practice and Future Perspectives in Teacher Education: Lesson Observations, Marcela Cintra, Brazil
  7. Various Articles - General
    1. Visual Didactics: The Use of Image the in Teaching- Learning Process in EFL, Roseli Serra, Brazil
    2. Language, Teaching and Interaction: Reflections on the Concept of Language Present in Brazilian Teaching Documents, Sweder Souza, Brazil
    3. The Black Dog in the Classroom: Mental Health in ELT, Fernando Guarany, Brazil
  8. 21st Century Skills
    1. Blended Learning and the Rotation Model: Teaching a Foreign Language to Adults, Antonio Henrique Coutelo de Moraes, Laura Manuela Gallindo Lins and Madson Góis Diniz, Brazil
  9. Lesson Ideas
    1. An Ode to Self-esteem: Raising Self-love in the English Classroom, Clarissa Rosa, Brazil
    2. Homo Ludens, Lole Vitti, Brazil
    3. The Sounds of Writing Poetry, Malu Sciamarelli, Brazil
  10. Golden Classics
    1. A True Golden Classic Exercise: Trees, Chaz Pugliese, France
  11. The Creativity Group
    1. Five Challenges of Planning CLIL Lessons, Leticia Moraes, Brazil
    2. Reflection on 2018 JALT Conference and the Four Corners Tours in Japan: Kaihimakuhari – Hamamatsu - Fukui – Tottori, Dat Bao, Australia
    3. Spontaneity – One Day Event: The Empty Space in Teacher Development
    4. The C Group YouTube Channel, Malu Sciamarelli, Brazil
  12. Voices
    1. Live Long and Teach – Star Trek and the ELT Classroom, Hugo Dart, Brazil
    2. Questions  to Brazilian Experts and Panel of Writers, Mario Rinvolucri, UK
  13. Publications
    1. Short Book Reviews, Hanna Kryszewska, Poland
    2. Coaching For Language Learning, reviewed by the author, Emmanuelle Betham, UK
    3. Review of Harmer and Puchta Story Telling Book, Mario Rinvolucri, UK
    4. The Park, Amy Humphreys, UK
    5. Hacking Creativity, a new book by Nik Peachey - Co-Founder Peachey Publications Ltd, Nik Peachey, UK
    6. A Book to Look Out For – Coming Your Way Soon, Alan Maley, UK 
    7. New Titles from DELTA
  14. Humour
    1. ELT Conference Bullshit Bingo
  15. Poems 
    1. Poems, Francisco Gomes de Matos, Brazil
    2. PHOENIX New Life Poetry, Spring 2019 No 71
  16. To the Editor
  17. Our Partners
  18. Contributor’s Guidelines