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New Titles from DELTA


Why do you love teaching?"

We decided to ask teachers around the globe "Why do you love teaching?" and here are some of the wonderful responses we've had:

I love teaching because...

'the impact we have on a student's confidence or character is invaluable and cannot match any achievement in any other kind of field or work"

Faisal, USA


"meeting people from all walks of life, from all over the world" Michael, Italy


"I love helping students on their language learning journey"

S, India


"it's about the moment you see your student has made a connection and everything clicks into place "

SY, UK     


"because it’s about making a difference"

Anton, Russia


It's so great to hear that you find your job rewarding and we want to keep supporting you and your lessons with materials that make language matter.  So a belated happy Valentine’s Day to all of you that love teaching.

New for 2019

We've been busy over the New Year and here are our newest titles to inspire new and fresh ideas for your lessons.

If you find it a struggle to keep your IELTS classes fun and interesting, then this is the book for you.  Aida Sahutoglu is a highly experienced IELTS teacher and her book IELTS Games and Activities is packed with resources to spice up your IELTS classes. The activities focus on Speaking and Writing with questions and topics based on the test, but with a more engaging and varied format.

To find out more and order your copy click here

Have you ever wondered why English is used as an international language and how we can teach it differently? Marek Kiczkowiak and Robert Lowe examine these questions and provide practical opportunities for teachers to adopt a new approach to ELT in their new book Teaching English as a Lingua Franca.

They examine and explore the concept of how we can successfully move towards the goal of English for international communication and give over 40 practical activities for ELF.

We’ll also have some exciting news about a new course book for the summer, so make sure you catch up with us. Dive In! is an innovative and complete course designed for 14-18 year olds. There are 4 books that are topic based and structured for short-stay courses. The course is designed to enhance the students’ stay with activities that are relevant to their summer experience with a project at the heart of course.

Trips, sports and community are just some of the areas covered so the students can build on their experience. Engaging activities include videos and audio with conversations in context and a daily project that leads to a presentation at the end of the week.

Don’t forget to share our newsletter with your colleagues and get them to sign up for our regular Delta Newsletter

More at


Please check the How to be a Teacher Trainer course at Pilgrims website.

Please check the Methodology and Language for Secondary course at Pilgrims website.

Please check the Teaching Advanced Students course at Pilgrims website.

Tagged  Publications 
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  • Coaching For Language Learning, reviewed by the author
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  • Review of Harmer and Puchta Story Telling Book
    Mario Rinvolucri, UK

  • The Park
    Amy Humphreys, UK

  • Hacking Creativity, a New Book by Nik Peachey - Co-Founder Peachey Publications Ltd
    Nik Peachey, UK

  • A Book to Look Out For – Coming Your Way Soon
    Alan Maley, UK

  • New Titles from DELTA