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Is Strictness More Important Than Freedom During Teaching Language?

Zulfiya Atabekova is an English teacher at Shirin Energy College. She is new in the field of ESP but she worked as an English teacher at secondary public school for more than ten years period. Besides she worked as a teacher trainer. Email:



Before covering the topic of the article, I would like to comment on a process that is closely related to this system. My introductory words are about the learning process that is the basis of all sciences. The whole life of mankind consists of this process. From the first day of our lives, we start learning. Our learning process is a very enjoyable situation both for ourselves and for those who observe us. Because we do the work we learn with passion and pleasure, this study opens up new opportunities for us. After a step taken with pleasure, we were able to walk freely because of this strong interest and inspiring words from those around us. As we said the words we had just learned, we began to speak with great joy. Thus, the study of what is meant by bringing joy to life in our worldview.


Main body

With such positive information, we went kindergarten for new inventions. Here our understanding of the phenomenon of learning has changed in part. Some of us have completely retained that innocent, positive assumption of the pre-kindergarten period, but some of us have partially lost the pleasure of learning due to strict educators. Our next destination will be our schools, a place of knowledge that will play a significant role in our lives and prepare base for our future life.

Now I would like to state my main ideas and experiences related to the topic of article. When we admit pupils to the primary school, the main strength of our teachers is focused on the discipline and adaptation of children to the school environment. It seems to me that as a child becomes accustomed to the discipline of this great school, his sense of enjoyment of learning diminishes. When  they  write first letter beautifully, they cannot scream inwardly which is not possible in school. A number of similar bans are being introduced. It is a proven fact, where there is no discipline, improvement may not be as we expected, however, we should not establish this order at the expense of the child`s enjoyment of learning.

English lessons were introduced in the primary grades, classes were held, and it became clear that students were more eagerly waiting for English lessons than in other subjects. The reason is that English lessons in primary school consist of games and free activities. From this process, I began to compare my high-class methodology, which had been adapted to strict discipline, and my method , which supported freedom. In the first case, although there were more talented students in the class, their enthusiasm for innovation and learning was weak. I gradually softened my determination, increasing the sincerity and freedom in the relationship. As a result, my students became more interested in studying my subject and became more active in the classroom.

To sum up all were given above,  I want to highlight some points about learning process.  From my teaching experience I learned that learning process should be encouraging, easy,fun and lifelong. Why it should be encouraging, here I want to give the quote by Russian writer and psychologist Anna Aleksandrovna:" If you want good results, learn to encourage, It will be cause to work harder. But criticism can stifle the desire. "Learning something in life, bringing it into one`s life is a big process for humankind. Learning another language is especially demanding process. To my mind, it is not true to complicate this complexity on the basis of determination. No matter what age we are, we need to be able to enjoy learning. Because people continue to study until the end of their lives. Let them not stop learning because of us, but let them feel blessing of learning because of us. The main task of our educators is not to ensure that all students in the class occupy our subject, the all students I teach do not have to be English specialists, but each of these students must have some knowledge and experience during my lesson, which will help them during their lives.



Anna Aleksandrovna Bikova (2021). Big book of “Lazy mother”.>articles


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Tagged  Voices 
  • Is Strictness More Important Than Freedom During Teaching Language?
    Zulfiya Atabekova, Uzbekistan