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August 2023 - Year 25 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

A Little Bit of Grammar

From the Editor

Twice a month, Jamie Keddie sends out the LessonStream Post – a story or storytelling idea for the classroom. It's free to sign up and you can do so here:

Here is an example of what you might get.

Some ideas

1 Let's begin with the standard word order in English: Subject + verb

2 To create a question, we invert the subject and auxiliary verb.

I am becomes Am I

3 We refer to words like whowhatwhywherewhen and how as question words. But they are not always involved in questions.

Here is an example:

Who I am is an example of a wh-clause.

Wh-clauses can find themselves in larger, more complex structures including indirect questions.

5 As a teacher, I want to make students aware of wh-clauses before we proceed to these more complex structures. And these images are an excellent way of doing so.


Using images of book covers

To obtain these images, I made use of one of my favourite teaching resources. It's a place where we can find short, visually-enhanced texts for illustrating a whole range of  language points. I'm talking about Amazon.

Tagged  Lesson Ideas 
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