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August 2024 - Year 26 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

50 Ways to Be a Greener Teacher by Christpher Graham

Book cover for Book Cover: 50 Ways to Be a Greener Teacher by Christopher Graham


Published: April 2, 2022

Publisher: Wayzgoose Press

Pages: 140

Formats: EbookPaperback

ISBN-13: 979-8445292050


The connection between English Language Teaching and the climate crisis, in terms of both our negative impacts and the opportunities for climate change education we have, has been receiving increasing attention across our community in recent years. This book guides and supports ESL/EFL teachers who wish to ‘green’ their teaching practices. You’ll find ideas to both adapt your coursebooks lightly and to create your own lessons and projects around the climate crisis.

The book goes further than that, however, as it also includes ideas to help you to be part of the process of greening your school, college, or university, and to encourage your learners to be part of that process too. In short, it will help you to be a greener teacher in a greener school.

Don’t miss more details about the book to be found here.

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