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August 2024 - Year 26 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

ECO: Let’s Regenerate!

Jocelyn Wright is Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Mokpo National University in South Korea. Her interests include matters at the heart of the intersecting fields of peace linguistics, peace (language) education, and peace literature.

Finding ourselves in this urgent global state

We need special vision

We have to regenerate

To shift focus from a single bottom line 

Towards an all-encompassing triple top line


As we live and work in complex dynamic systems

We can no longer ignore reality; 

We’ll all end up victims!

Holistic third-order change we can attempt if we integrate

Reflection and action and moreover synergistically collaborate


So let’s adopt a triple-win perspective

Let nonviable, unbearable, and inequitable ways go

To heal and innovate for sustainable development

Allow our critical creativity to abundantly flow!


As empowered teachers, researchers, and practitioners - all

Let’s commit to amply extending our reach

Unlearn, learn, relearn to teach

Systematically starting with where we stand:

Open head, heart, and also hand


Due to our privileged potential to inform and inspire, engage and impact

Let’s purposefully, willingly, and collectively act!

Across every village, city, and nation

Let’s positively transform as global leaders for regeneration!



Inspired by a course on Regenerative Leadership taught by John Hardman at the UN-established University for Peace, Costa Rica.

Tagged  Poems 
  • ECO: Let’s Regenerate!
    Jocelyn Wright, South Korea