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August 2024 - Year 26 - Issue 4

ISSN 1755-9715

To the Editor

ECO News

Letter 1


I'm currently finishing off Chapter 5 (of 6) in an upcoming resource book.
This chapter is the most difficult yet most rewarding and perhaps most important I've ever written. That's lot's of mosts.

It's all about addressing and harnessing big climate emotions in the classroom. Three years ago I'd have been completely lost if I'd tried to write this. Two years ago, it would've existed but, let's face it, it would've been a bit rubbish.

Right now I feel fully equipped thanks to so many different people across the globe. I want to say a huge thank you to Heidi Salyer for connecting me with her peeps at DELTA Publishing and those very peeps for letting me loose on a manuscript.......all on my own.

To Clover Hogan and Dr Patrick Kennedy-Williams for their inspiration, hard work and education. Heidi Pan who has helped me appreciate the wisdom and resilience of a vast number of young people.
And a special hat tip to everyone at Climate Mental Health Network for your continued hard work in creating fantastic well researched resources for people across the globe.

There are loads more people I should be thanking, but for now I'll stop there. I'm getting pretty excited about the book the closer it gets to the finish line. Now I just need to get off LinkedIn and get back to writing.

Harry Waters on LinkedIn

Image preview


Letter 2


TIRF Insights: Climate Change Education | TIRF

Good to see. Dan Barber was co-founder with me and two others of ELT Footprint.

All the best


Christopher Graham


Letter 3

Pavilion ELT header

Welcome to your Pavilion ELT newsletter

In this edition, Gerhard Erasmus explores what educators and schools can do to tackle the climate crisis, and we share the full line up for our upcoming online event. 


New from Modern English Teacher

Blog – The climate crisis – What can educators and school leaders do?

It could easily be argued that educators and school leaders have a responsibility to work towards a bright future for their students. But what can we actually do? In this blog, Gerhard Erasmus explores a few practical ideas to get you started thinking about the climate crisis and implementing sustainability actions.

Read now


Letter 4

Green Action ELT


Green Action ELT runs monthly online events covering a huge range of topics related to environmental action and language teaching. Join us to learn from experts and each other, connect with like-minded colleagues and help build a green ELT movement.

All Green Action ELT events are free and open to everyone working in or with the language teaching sector around the world. So please invite your colleagues and industry friends! Whether you are thinking about environmental action for the first time or have lots of ideas and experiences to share, you are welcome to join us.

If you have a suggestion for event topics or speakers, we would love to hear from you. Contact us via social media or email us:

If you would like view past Green Action ELT events, watch recordings or the session and read write-ups, you can visit our webinar library where  

all our previous events are listed.


Letter 5

Dear language learning specialist or supporter

I am getting in touch because you have shown an interest in my work to make language learning inclusive and accessible at some point.

My bilingual picture book Lapin is Hungry is now published by CALEC / TBR Books  and a second Lapin story will be out soon. It has also been translated into Arabic / French, Chinese / French and German/ French. Audio versions of each one will be available soon.

Based on my research studies and extensive experience as a puppeteer and teaching artist, the Creative Puppetry for French toolkit I am now developing aims at providing anyone interested in introducing French to young children - whether at home or in an educational setting -  with all the resources / knowledge they need to embed a rich play and story-based creative practice. 

But for this toolkit to really support the Early Years community, I need the views of the people involved.

Of course, I will understand if this is no longer of interest to you. But if you feel language learning is important and are keen to support our work, I would really appreciate your thoughts.

Please consider filling in this short questionnaire  if you can and / or share the link with people who might be interested.

Merci beaucoup! 😀


Tania Czajka

MEd - Learning & Teaching in Performing Arts | Teaching Artist | Author



Creative Puppetry for Languages
LAPIN IS HUNGRY - The bilingual picture book for all!

"This exquisite book shows what learning languages is all about.

Highly recommended!" (Anonymous online customer)

Available at TBR Books


tel: 079 100 45 743


Letter 6

Dear Alan,

Finally, summer’s almost here. Which for many of us can only mean one thing: a trip to our local poo-infested beach.

But a certain seaside town is making the most of the murky waters.

Our roving reporter Ada recently paid a visit to Sh*t Beach to find out what’s got everyone talking. Or is that vomiting? Either way the town could do with some good publicity, so please watch and share our short video.

Watch and share the video

Here’s a fun fact. Last year, sewage was poured into our seas and rivers over 1,000 times a day. And the UK government isn’t legally required to do anything about it.

That’s something everyone should know before their next trip to Sh*t Beach. Or to your nearest beach. Or your local river.

So please watch and share to get the word out about our turd-infested waters.

Watch and share the video

Thanks for watching. And remember to check what’s lurking before you go back in the water.

Nish Kumar

BS News Anchor (and pro comedian)

Nish Kumar
Nish Kumar on set


Letter 7

Hi Alan,

As the summer sun shines bright (at long last!), we invite you to join us in a movement that can help safeguard our planet's future. Next week marks the start of Plastic Free July, a global initiative challenging us all to reduce our single-use plastic waste for an entire month.

Sounds easier said than done, right? Well, luckily we’re here to help you get started and get involved with easy, affordable, and impactful swaps to help make a positive change for Plastic Free July and beyond.

Read our guide: 52 ways to reduce your plastic

Not sure where to begin? Check out our handy guide, packed with great tips and hacks to help you get started! Whether you’re just beginning your journey to reduce plastic, looking for fresh ideas, or seeking a reset on your sustainable habits, our guide has something for everyone

Download the guide now  

Easy changes you can try right now!

  • Choose loose! Ditch pre-bagged fruit and veg and opt for loose options wherever possible. 🍏

  • Refillable bottles: Instead of buying water and other plastic-packaged drinks, carry a refillable bottle with you when you're out on the go. 💧

  • Reusable bags: Keep a stash of reusable fabric bags in your car or by your front door to avoid needing plastic bags when you shop. 🛍️

  • Bring your own container: When ordering takeaway or buying from a deli, bring your own container to reduce single-use plastic packaging. 🥡

Switch to soap bars: Use soap bars instead of liquid soap in plastic bottles for washing your hands and in the shower. You can also get bars of shampoo in some stores. 🧼

Take it further

Aside from making positive changes in your own home, there are many other ways you can help make a difference this Plastic Free July. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Write to your local MP: Ask them to do more to tackle the problem of single-use plastic in your community and to promote accessible refill and reuse systems.

  • Sign a petition: Support campaigns like Choose Loose, which urges supermarkets to remove plastic packaging from fruit and veg, or the Global Plastics Treaty, which aims to solve the global plastic pollution problem by championing a strong international agreement.

Spread the word: Tell your family and friends about Plastic Free July and encourage them to join you in taking part. Together, we can amplify our impact and drive meaningful change!

Book a talk or workshop for your business

There’s still time to book a corporate talk or workshop for your company to celebrate Plastic Free July at your workplace. Hosting an event with us is a fantastic way to spread awareness and engage your colleagues in reducing their plastic waste. 

Watch our promo video for a taste of what to expect, and click the button below to find out more details.

Find out more & make a booking enquiry

We understand that going totally ‘plastic-free’ is very challenging (and, in fact, nearly impossible for most people), so please don’t feel disheartened if you encounter difficulties along the way.

Remember, it’s the system that needs to change, but every small step you take helps push us toward that goal. So, stay encouraged and continue to do the best you can!

Good luck for Plastic Free July! Together we can make a real difference 💚

Everyday Plastic

Bon Volks Studios, 

12 Park Lane,





Tagged  Readers Letters