Dear HLT Readers.
Welcome to the June issue of HLT. As usual I will start with Pilgrims news. In Interview with Chaz Pugliese, Director of Education at Pilgrims, I have asked Chaz some questions on your behalf… questions about the summer, a new teacher training format, future projects and publishing plans. I am sure we will meet again for teacher training but sadly no more in Canterbury, on the Hilltop. Two poems by Linda Yael, a Pilgrims trainer, give a glimpse of the gone-by days… with a touch of nostalgia:
Canterbury – On the Hilltop
Warm summer evening
Long table outdoors
Caught in the cross-fire
Among snippets
Of myriad conversations
Between well-travelled colleagues
From China to Korea,
Japan and Slovenia
Cross-cultural dreams
Of places I may never visit.
Love and hate
Last night
The Resources Room
Preparing sessions
But hungry.
Love doing them
But love my dinner, too.
Oh, well…
But even if we don’t meet this summer face to face, you can meet some Pilgrims trainers in this issue of HLT. In fact, you can enjoy a unique turnout; don’t miss the following articles: Writing Based on an Improvisiation by Peter Dyer, Teacher's Well-being - It Starts Within by Marta Bujakowska, A Grim Cloud with a Linguistic Silver Lining … by Tim Bowen, Teaching for the Future: The Five Frames of Mind for Sustainable Development by Stefania Balotto, Ecology and Naturalistic Intelligence presented through Storytelling: The Story of Wollemia Nobilis (Wollemi Pine) by Mojca Belak, Creativity Through Constraints – Writing 1 by Hanna Kryszewska, Chatting-up a Girl: Intralingual Mediation Tongue-in- Cheek by Hanna Kryszewska, Reflections on Presenting at an Online Conference: Exciting Experiments, or How to Interweave Science into Language Teaching by Aleksandra Zaparucha, Poland, and Classroom Poems by Linda Yael.
Another chance for some of us to meet will be the IATEFL conference in June, first time fully online. It will be a new experience for the organisers and for those who will attent. To get a glimpse of what is ahead read Voices in which you can find a text On Organising an Online Teaching Conference: Reflections on the First International House Bielsko-Biała Online Teacher Training Day by Christopher Walker, and 11 reflections of teachers on presenting at an online conference.
There is another important development. I hear from Phil Dexter, the new editor of our sister magazine The Teacher Trainer Journal , that the first issue of the journal in its new format will be ready some time the first half of June. Fingers crossed… Needless to say there are some teething problems. Note it will be a subscription magazine but the first issue will be free. Follow this link: www.pilgrimsttj.com and watch this space.
As for this June issue of HLT, of course, there are texts about teaching in covid times: Near, Far, Wherever You Are: Distance English Language Teaching by Alan Paradiž, Discussions in Online Classes of English at University Level by Mariya Neykova, and How COVID-19 Revealed Cracks in the UK’s Fragile ESOL Ecosystem by Aileen Bowe.
There are also three texts on approaches to language teaching implemented in practice: The Big Picture of the Project-Based Approach (PBA) Language Learning by Mija Selič, Problem-based English Language Teaching and Learning in Korea by Insuk Han, and Developing Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric to Assess Secondary Students’ Text Review Competence by Intan Pradita, Ista Maharsi and Irma Windy Astuti.
Those of you who are interested in motivation and CPD will surely enjoy What Motivates EFL Teachers to Pursue Professional Development Beyond Initial Teacher Training? by Christopher Walker. Note the text is avaiable in a shorter version, but you can also dowload an extended fuller version.
Don’t miss the Publications section which features Short Book Reviews by Hanna Kryszewska, Talking to learn Learning to Talk by Margit Szesztay, reviewed by Sharon Hartle, news from The Tune Into English by Fergal Kavanagh, News from Pavilion, and Humans in the Classroom by Haili Hughes
Enjoy this jam packed issue
Hania Kryszewska
HLT Editor
Email: hania.kryszewska@pilgrimsteachertraining.eu