To the Editor
Letter 1
A I saw the new website - I looks great. Very easy to navigatge. Cheers, Terry
B Hi, Hania,
C Hania, Thanks for letting me know about HLT August issue appearance. I really appreciate its new layout and design. Best from me, Boryana |
Letter 2
Hi This week I need your help. It has come to my attention that the English language is in desperate need of a new word or phrase. And I would like you to help me invent one. To commit an FMU (= Failed to Mark as Unread) That's not bad. I but I reckon that we can do better. |
Letter 3
Welcome aboard! To get you started, we'd like to suggest some learning resources we've chosen specifically for you based on your profile. You can pin any of these resources into your subject folders to start building your own personal library for reference or revision.
Remember, the more you interact on GoConqr the more we can help you. By knowing what interests you, we can suggest resources that are tailored to meet your particular needs. |
Letter 4
Hi Hania, New articles have been posted on the Visual Arts Circle site: Difficult Topics Made Easier with Film. You can find them here: and Contact Nora Hennick the Commissioning Editor about anything you would like to see on the website that would help your in your teaching. Go well! The Visual Arts Circle Committee |
Letter 5
For: Humanizing Vocabulary in Language Teaching Subject: POSITIVIZERS From: Francisco Gomes de Matos, a peace linguist. Co-founder, ABA Global Education, Recife,Brazil
In Language Teaching, lexicogrammatically to humanize ? A new Word Class let´s creatively devise
As POSITIVIZERS it would be known By those words, POSITIVENESS would be sown
NOUN-POSITIVIZERS let´s exemplify : friendship, affect ; cooperation, respect
VERB-POSITIVIZERS let´s illustrate: to cooperate, to educate; to advance,to enhance
ADJECTIVE-POSITIVIZERS let´s enumerate : good, kind ; cheerful,peaceful
ADVERB-POSITIVIZERS let´s single out: constructively,positively; cooperatively,dignifyingly
To the list of word classes, POSITIVIZERS let´s aggregate: The humanizing quality of Language Teaching we`ll elevate
POSITIVIZERS help probe the lexicogrammatical dimension: They help language users POSITIVELY to express their intention |
Letter 6
Top ten tips for writing notes Expanding on her column in the latest print issue of ETp, Chia Suan Chong offers ten tips of how we can take better notes - a skill that will come in handy both for teachers and students. Many of these tips may not be rocket science, but by spending a little time considering and implementing these pointers, you could find yourself making the best use of the time you spend listening in presentations, classes, workshops, meetings and lectures. Read Chia's latest blogpost
In this week's complimentary online article, Alison Carse presents a positive perspective on pressures and problems. Read the article
Expanding on her column in the latest print issue of ETp, Chia Suan Chong offers ten tips of how we can take better notes - a skill that will come in handy both for teachers and students. Many of these tips may not be rocket science, but by spending a little time considering and implementing these pointers, you could find yourself making the best use of the time you spend listening in presentations, classes, workshops, meetings and lectures. Read Chia's latest blogpost
In this week's complimentary online article, Alison Carse presents a positive perspective on pressures and problems. Read the article
In her latest blogpost, Chia Suan Chong explores the benefits of communicating about communicating. She argues that striving to better understand each other’s underlying intentions and beliefs will ultimately make communication more effective.
Rehearsing for real life In this week's complimentary online article, Colin Sowden writes about why one-to-one roleplays are good for targeting authentic situations and how to plan them. Read the article |
Letter 7
6 Tips for a Top Teaching CV In the second post in his series on career development, MET resident blogger David Dodgson offers some advice on expanding and putting together your CV ready to grab the attention of potential employers. Drawing on his own experience as a recruiter and an applicant, he discusses what to include, what to highlight, and how to present it.
In our complimentary online article Daniel Xerri discusses a topic many teachers deal with on a daily basis.
Using news creatively to teach vocabulary In our complimentary article this week, Mohamed Elness of Washington State University outlines an approach using authentic materials to help students improve their vocabulary.
Facilitating reflective and collaborative learning in EAP In this week's featured subscriber article, Anthea Fester and Dilani Gedera report on a pilot study of the use of ePortfolios. |