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Using Quizizz as a Formative Assessment for Junior High School Students
Surati is a student teacher from Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta. She has an experience teaching in junior high schools during the pandemic and she decided to uses one of the applications as an interesting teaching media to make students easier in learning. She has an interest to using the Quizizz application to online quizzes. E-mail: 17322071@students.uii.ac.id
During covid-19 lot of learning tends to be carried out online; not only the submission of materials online but also the implementation of the assessment. To guide students in approaching their study and provide students with feedback on their progress, most teachers provided multiple-choice tests, true / false tests, short answers and essays as a direct way of evaluating that was called a formative assessment. According to Rovai, Ponton, Derrick, & Davis (2006) to implementation a formative assessment this required careful design, monitoring, and being able to provide feedback communication to students in a clear and meaningful timeframe, that was an important because formative assessment has been articulated as the preferred assessment mode in online education.
During my internship program, we did most of the learning process online so that it required interesting activities to build a good atmosphere in the class and we can enjoy the learning process. Based on the activities that I have observed, the students are given an assignment only in the form of written instructions. These activities have an impact on students' interest in learning who think learning with monotonous methods will make them not interested in learning. With this situation I realized that students need something new which they never knew before, therefore I decided to apply what I have learned in my lectures, namely learning with a game. The game that I used is a Quizizz, which is a game that requires an internet connection to be accessed. This assignment was in the form of a game related to the learning material that has been discussed. According to (Verawardina & Jama, 2018) the industrial revolution 4.0 has proven that the application of online learning is not limited to its existence, which can be accessed by those who can implement distance learning.
Using online assessment makes the scoring system more dynamic. However, some teachers tend to only provide assessments with unclear instruction designs. This has an impact on online assessments that do not represent students' abilities. To fill this practical gap, this based practice aimed to provide an instructional design description regarding online formative assessments using Quizizz.
Types of online formative assessmen
In an earlier study conducted by Perera-Diltz, Dilani M. and Moe, Jeffry L (2014), they defined Formative assessment as provider on-going evaluation (Perera-Diltz, 2009) of a student’s learning. This type of assessment requires evaluation of student learning outcomes several times during a semester and facilitates the evaluation of different content areas, skills, and the progress of learning within specific knowledge domains. Formative assessment could occur with multiple assessment forms (e.g., a quiz, an essay, and an experiential activity).
According to the previous research, most online assessments have been carried out by test and examination, According to Westhuizen (2016), there were 6 techniques of online assessment: (1) Multiple-choice tests, (2) True-or-false items, (3) Essay, (4) Short answer tests, (5) Online games, (6) Online digital or e-Portfolios. Multiple-choice quizzes (MCQs) were a common form of online assessment, a traditional form of assessments that has been criticized for not facilitating active learning due to its lack of justification of the answer (Arthur, 2006). A great advantage of online multiple-choice tests was that they are easy to administer, including time efficiency, fairness, and quality assurance, marking time, rapid analysis of data and item analysis. These techniques were effective for mitigating the lack of engaged learning, as it fosters student engagement with course content, metacognitive skills, and ownership of learning experience. On the other hands, the disadvantages of traditional and online multiple-choice tests were subject to guessing and often are time-consuming to create. True-or-False items did impact the ease of marking, but it was an efficient way to digitally collect additional information. The use of negative marking for the incorrect answer can be created in some software systems, which reduces the calculation involved when applying the same approach in a traditional exam. With an online true-or-false question, guessing can be reduced by requiring an explanation. Essays were flexible and can assess higher-order learning skills, one of the most significant advantages of completing essay questions online was the ability to read from text as opposed to hand-written responses. However, subjectivity may be an issue during marking. Short answer tests require the student to respond to a direct question, or to enter a word or phrase that was left out of a statement. The advantage of this type of online examination is that the answers can be scored immediately by comparing the student answers. The disadvantage is that often students will not type the exact answer and will be marked wrong. Spelling mistakes can cause an incorrect grade, whereas the teacher would have accepted the answer. Such evaluations using a rubric can be conducted by teacher alone or by teacher and / or peers. Awareness gained from such continuous feedback can lead to further learning of those areas and possible future competency in those areas. Online games offered exciting assessment opportunities. They can provide a safe, creative environment in which students can learn to experiment, collaborate and solve problems. They can be used in almost all educational disciplines for a variety of assessment types.
Procedures of using quizizz
This activity is carried out online; I introduced a learning application called Quizizz to students. I used this quiz application to summarize some of the materials I have taught and to attract students' attention when teaching English. When I introduced this application to students, they looked very unfamiliar with this learning application, even though they were a little confused; on the other hand, they were very enthusiastic about trying this Quizizz. That was very new to them because they only used written media for access to learning so far. I started to explain the function of this application. They knew that this application can be another alternative that can be used when working on multiple choice questions, because they usually did multiple choices on a question paper. The quiz lasted 30 minutes, when they started working on the questions; they were very enthusiastic and competed to find the highest score in the quiz. There was an expression of insecurity when some students answered the question incorrectly, and there were also those who were confident in their answers. At the end of the quiz, I gave a reward to the student who got the highest score.
Pre- activity
Before doing the quiz, this quiz was made by the teacher with topics related to the learning material that had been previously studied with several combined topics such as congratulations, then congratulations for graduation, expression of agree and disagree, giving label information, and procedure text. The quiz is made with ten questions related to the material that has been studied and in each question has ten points.

Views of the conversations through WhatsApp chat room:
Teacher: “Have you ever tried quizzes using the Quizizz before?”
Student (Ifah): “I've never tried this before miss”
Teacher: “How about the others?”
Student (Ifah): “I don’t know miss”
Teacher: “Well, first I will explain what Quizizz is. Quizizz is a quiz application based on a web tool using a browser. The purpose is to make interactive quiz games, so it can be used by gadget that must be connected to the internet network.”
Teacher: “What kind of quizzes have you used so far?”

Teacher: "The first step is you have to open a Google page and then type the keyword join to Quizizz. After that a page will appear like the example above, and after that enters the quiz code which I will give later when I start the quiz ".
Teacher: “The second step is that you need to enter your name and you are allowed to use a nickname/pseudonym but include a real name, for example, Kim Taehyung (Surati). And then click OK. "
Teacher: "The third step is that we will start the quiz by pressing the start button on the page. Do you understand? "
Before the quiz was implemented, the teacher had previously provided a simulation of how to use the quiz itself, this activity was carried out at a meeting last week to give students an idea of what the quiz and Quizizz would look like, and the students seemed fine knowing this. At the next meeting, where the day the students did a quiz using Quizizz it seemed they were still confused, then I as a teacher had to guide them to be able to join the Quizizz. During the quiz, some students always communicated with me to make sure they were doing the right thing and some asked permission for their disturbance due to an unstable internet network.
Quizizz was a learning innovation for them, because that was their first time using the Quizizz application in learning. This application also can help teachers to accelerate in taking student grades. Based on the results of the quiz data, it can be seen that the students finished the quiz very well even though there are some errors in answering the questions that have been provided

Before I ended the quiz I gave some feedback to the students and discussed the whole question together, and last thing I gave a reward to the student who got the highest score.
Learning students’ responses on using quizizz
Based on the results of the Quizizz, I asked students about their respond about using the Quizizz application as a learning media. Most of them gave some positive respond even though that were their first time using this media but in the end, this media was implemented well. Besides that, I got respond from several students that they thought this learning media was very good.

Teacher: “what are the things that make it difficult for you in this quiz?”
Student (Finajnta): “because we don’t understand”
Teacher: “But you already understand how to use the quizizz, right?"
Student (Finajnta): “Yes, miss”.
Teacher: "I want to ask again, how did you feel after doing the online quiz?"
Teacher: “What kind of quizzes have you used so far?”
Student (Finajnta): "I want more quizzes with different questions and those that are not difficult".
Based on the results of the Quizizz application that I did at the school, it was concluded that this application can help teachers present the results of multiple choice quiz scores efficiently. Quizizz application is able to display the data from each student who joined as participants while participating in the Quizizz. Besides that we can also identify data in the form of the percentage of the final grade each student received. By using this application, we can see the true and false information of each question option provided in each student's answer in the form of percentage data from each question. In addition, that application is also able to assist teachers in identifying students' understanding of the material that has been previously studied.
Diltz, D.M.P; Moe, Jeffry L.; (2014). formative and summative assessment in online education. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 130-142. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/chs_pubs/37?utm_source=digitalcommons.odu.edu%2Fchs_pubs%2F37&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages
Suryaman, Maman; all, add. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and home online learning system: does it affect the quality of pharmacy school learning? A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy, 11(8).
Westhuizen, D. v. (2016). guidelines for online assessment for educators. British Columbia: commonwealth of learning.
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