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February 2021 - Year 23 - Issue 1

ISSN 1755-9715

To the Editor

Letter 1

Hi Hania,

I hope you’re well! This could be useful for your readers.

I wanted to suggest a guide that could be a timely addition to your page here -

Despite universities remaining open across the UK, there is still a lot of uncertainty due to coronavirus, especially for international students who need to consider evolving health protocols and travel restrictions and how it affects their studies.

So we published “An International Student's Guide to UK University (COVID-19)” to help share useful advice and information such as:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on young people's mental wellbeing and the education sector's framework to operate safely.
  • Advice for students studying in the UK, coronavirus FAQs, and what to expect.
  • Links to useful sources of up-to-date guidance and support for international students.
  • Other useful resources and information for students moving to the UK to study.

You can check out the full guide here:

I saw you featured similar informative resources so this could be helpful for your readers! Could we include it in your resources list?

Kind regards,

Ellen Wise



Letter 2


Dear Colleague,

Welcome to this issue of Digital Learning Magazine!

This is an important time for digital learning with the closure of schools and the suspension of exams in the UK.

During the last year, Digital Learning Magazine has campaigned on the digital divide and has featured in-depth articles on pedagogy and classroom practice that can help schools to adapt to this new medium

To support schools and teachers we are now making the magazine free for the next three issues so please share it as widely as possible.

Digital Learning Magazine is part of the TeachingTimes family. Other titles include School Leadership Today, Professional Development, Creative Teaching and Learning, Learning Spaces  as well as our special-needs title which is to be known as the Inclusion Journal from the beginning of 2021. This reflects the changing focus which will look more closely at its use as such as disadvantage and race.

We are very proud of our range of titles and the contribution our writers make to research and practice. Every year matters in education but 2021 is set to be especially important. Please join us!


Letter 3

Dear Editor,

I am happy to announce the publication of my new book entitled: ‘Your Spiritual Journey – A Travel Guide’ ISBN 978-85584-585-5. Though this book is not an EFL publication, any teacher will be interested in its contents. We as teachers are educators as well, whatever subject we teach. In this book you will find a series of interesting subjects that will enrich your personal outlook on life. Our students, whether they are youngsters or adults, always want to know what kind of person we really are. This subconscious wish plays an important role in any teaching situation. This book will provide you with relevant up-to-date information about the present situation amidst we are teaching.

From my extensive experience in all sorts of teaching, on the PILGRIMS Summer Courses as well,  I know how important one’s own understanding of life is when we meet people in teaching situations.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this beautifully illustrated book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Henk van Oort


Letter 4

Distinctive features in today's

Language Education: a Checklist

Is today's Language Education

Anticipatory? What is being anticipated? How ? Are language educators being prepared as creative anticipators? How ?

Cooperative? How ?

Dignifying ? How?

Are language educators being prepared as dignifiers ? How?

Globally competent ?How ?

Interculturally aware? How ?

Communicatively positive? How?

Are language educators being prepared as users of POSITIVIZERS (Positive nouns,verbs, adjectives, adverbs)?

Both as  face-to-face and on line teachers are language educators being trained ? How?

What is being offered to language educators for their ecolinguistic advancement ?

How do they interact with Nature and its resources?

How deeply humanizing are language educators learning to be?


Letter 5

Dear Hania,

(…) I attended your workshops during ELTSS 2018 at Exeter College, Oxford. How are you?

As for me, I as preoccupied with some scientific work and . One of the journals, published by MGIMO University is going to increase it index and get into SCOPUS database.

Thus the editorial board is required to attract more foreign authors. The articles may be published either in Russian or in English. As the title «Concept: Philosophy, Religion, Culture» suggests, the Journal aims at publishing research in the field of philosophy (including philosophy of culture and philosophy of religion), religious studies and culturology.

Special emphasis is given to corresponding interdisciplinary research along with the study of special cultural aspects including linguocultural processes and intercultural communication.

Maybe this information will be interesting for you or your colleagues. Here is the reference to the site: in case any further information is required.

Best regards,

Tatiana Kalugina


Letter 6

Hello Teachers,

It's been a while. I hope that you are well and I hope that your transition to the new term has been as smooth as can be given the circumstances.

In this first post of 2021, I thought I would let you know what you can expect from LessonStream over the next few months.

Here we go:

1. The LessonStream Post

In case you are new to this, the LessonStream Post goes out every other Sunday. Sometimes you get a teaching idea. Sometimes it's more like a blog post. But whatever it is, it's always related to story and storytelling in the classroom.

Here are some previous posts on the LessonStream blog: 

► Story creatures in story landscapes (Click here)

► The problem with stories in course books (Click here)

► An anti-smoking teaching idea (Click here)

2. The LessonStream YouTube channel

This year, I'll be sharing more videos on my YouTube channel. Here is my latest offering:

3. The LessonStream Story Course 

In 2018, I ran the first online story course for teachers with over 200 enthusiastic, story-hungry participants.

In the next few weeks, I will be launching version 2. This is a course that will show you how to use story to engage your students and get them thinking, speaking, listening, reading, writing, problem solving and language learning.

It would be great to have you on board. More news to follow very soon.


4. The LessonStream podcast: "Story Classroom"

Just before the LessonStream Story Course launches, the Story Classroom podcast will be going live.

I'll keep you posted.

5. The LessonStream membership

The LessonStream Membership has just turned one year old. Members get instant access to courses (and that will include the LessonStream Story Course), webinars, the community (= the Fishbowl) and the LessonStream lesson plan library. 

There are currently 52 story-based lesson plans waiting for you with a new one added every week.

Here are the most recent additions:

Join the membership today

Well, that's all for now. I'll take this opportunity to say thank you very much for being a LessonStream subscriber.
Thank you for reading. Have a great week!
Jamie Keddie      



Tagged  To The Editor