Dear HLT Readers,
Welcome to the February issue of HLT. I trust you and your nearest and dearest are safe and sound.
First some Pilgrims news. In Message from Chaz Pugliese, Director of Education and Teacher Training, Pilgrims, you can find out about our plans and initiatives.
Talking of Pilgrims, in the Golden Classics section you can find a text I found in my files: Learning to Learn by Bonnie Tsai, a Pilgrims trainer who is greatly missed by all of us. If you come across similar precious texts in your files please share them with us.
Other great texts by Pilgrims trainers include Some Lonely Words by Tim Bowen, English in Public Primary School in Venezuela, Experiences 2018-2019: A Case Study by among others Wendy Arnold.
As for HLT news, I would like to say I am aware of the mailing problem in December. There have been some technical changes and the mailing was late. Also the message may have ended up in your spam box. If so, please find it and ‘unspam’ it. If there has been no message can you please sign up again at https://www.hltmag.co.uk/newsletter-subscription
Please share the message with your colleagues who may have fallen out of the loop.
In the C Group section we have a number of contributions: a lesson idea - Carrot in a Box, Jamie Keddie, a poem - Reflections on Our Democratic Institutions by Rod Bolitho, and a story - Dr Rieux Checks His Facebook Newsfeed by Jill Hadfield. The good news is that in the coming issues of HLT we will have more contributions from C Group members.
In this issue we have an article from the winners of the Simon Greenall Award: 2 Reviving Folklore Literature through Puppetry, Storytelling and Poetry during Home-based Learning Activities by Sirhajwan Idek and Nurazilah Othman. Congratulations once again.
In the next issues of HLT I hope to publish contributions to another competition. Perhaps you would like to enter your lesson plan? For details see below.
The aim of the Tales of Strays Campaign is to teach students about our responsibilities towards companion animals and about the bond between people and dogs/cats in order to prevent future instances of neglect, abuse and abandonment. Write a lesson plan, support a good cause, and win a cash prize! |
As for this February 2022 issue, there here are two texts on society and language: Do No Harm! Undesirable Consequences of Teaching about Social Justice by Mandana Arfa-Kaboodvand, Learning to Write by Rewriting Dominant Discourses: A De-colonial English Language Pedagogy by Gautam Bisht, and Applied Peace Linguistics: Some Pioneers and their Contributions compiled and edited by Jocelyn Wright.
Of course, these days there would be no issue of HLT without texts related to teaching in covid times: From Classroom-based Teaching to Complete Self-study: A Reflection by Corsica S. L. Kong, Bridging the Gap in Online Teaching by Brooks Slaybaugh, and Encouraging Movement During Distance Learning by Eva Slapnik.
There are two very interesting texts on learner independence and motivation: Independent Pupils – Successful Pupils by Eva Slapnik, and Teachers’ Strategies to Motivate Students to Learn English: A Case Study at an Indonesian SHS by Lydia Agatha, Listyani and Joseph Ernest Mambu, and many many more articles, lesson ideas, poems, reviews and humour.
Enjoy the February issue of HLT.
Hania (Hanna) Kryszewska
HLT Editor
Email: hania.kryszewska@pilgrimsteachertraining.eu